lunedì 8 gennaio 2018

STEP 6 - Z) I brevetti della cosa artificiale

Anti-moth composition containing polyvinyl chloride and naphthalene

United States Patent ANTI-MOTH COMPOSITION CONTAINING POLY- VINYL CHLORIDE AND NAPHll-IALENE Antonio Roncoroni, Milan, Italy, assignor to S. p. A. Fibre Tessili Artificiali, Milan, Italy No Drawing. Application August 24, 1955 Serial No. 530,410
Claims priority, application Italy November 19, 1954 1 Claim. (Cl. 260-23) This invention relates to a bag suitable for protecting fabrics, threads, cloths and the like, of both animal and vegetable origin, from destruction caused by parasite insects, particularly moths.
Bags of this kind were already known in the art, which essentially consisted of paper bags impregnated with solutions or dispersions of moth killing substances: this profitable expedient, however, cannot be adopted with bags made of synthetic materials. Such materials, in fact, are not liable to be impregnated with solutions or dispersions, due to their intrinsic lack of porosity: this disadvantage is particularly experienced with bags made of polyethylene or other plastic material.
It has been experienced, however, and this is an object of the present invention, that the moth killing substances can be incorporated in the plastic compound.
A further object of the present invention is to provide a bag made from a sheet or tube of polyethylene compound, or other plastic compound, said compound incorporating a moth-killing substance, like naphthalene, camphor, or other suitable substance.
According to the invention, therefore, the moth-killing substance is incorporated in the material of which the bag is made: consequently the rate of evaporation of the moth-killing substance is very much smaller than that one has in the customary impregnated-paper bags.
Process for producing chloro-vinyl fibers having modified light reflection

Textile fibers composed of vinyl chloride homopolymers or of copolymers containing at least 80% by weight of vinyl chloride or mixtures thereof having an appearance (sheen) and a feel similar to those of animal hair are prepared by incorporating into the spinning solution from which the fibers are spun at least about 1% by weight of the polymer of a white or colorless salt havinG a density in excess of about 2 g/cc, extruding the fiber, and then removing at least a part of the salt from the surface of the resulting fiber with water or another solvent for the salt.

Polyvinyl chloride textile fibres and method of manufacturing

POLYVINYL CHLORIDE TEXTILE FIBRES AND METHOfi OF MANUFACTURING Filed April 1, 1963 2 Sheets-Sheet 1 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE TEXTILE FIBRES AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 Filed April 1, 1963 MJaMAQAZM United States Patent 3,388,201 PQLYVINYL CHLORIDE TEXTILE FIBRES AND METHOD @F MANUFACTURING Corrado Mazzoiini and Francesco Denti, Mestre, Venezia, Italy, assignors to Chatillon Societa Anonima Italiana per le Fibre Tessili Artificiali S.p.A., Milan, Italy Filed Apr. 1, 1963, Ser. No. 269,257 Claims priority, application Italy, Apr. 6, 1962, 6,928/62; Sept. 27, 1962, 19,069/62, 19,070/ 62; Nov. 14, 1962, 22,098/ 62, 22,399/62 Claims. (Cl. 264-184) This invention pertains to the art of processing vinyl chloride polymers to obtain commercially valuable fibres, suitable for the textile industry and many other uses requiring filaments or threads exhibiting a satisfactorily high tenacity, elongation at break contained within reasonable limits, an excellent heat-shrinkage resistance, low fragility, an elevated flex-abrasion resistance, substantial insensitivity to boiling water and solvents such as used in dry-cleaning textile fabrics, good dyeability, resistance to flame-propagation, etc.

La seta artificiale come allora fu chiamata fu inventata nel 1883 dal chimico francese conte Hilaire Bernigaud de Chardonnet, che la presentò all'Esposizione Internazionale di Parigi nel 1891, a base di nitrocellulosa. Il prodotto era particolarmente brillante, ma estremamente infiammabile. Il metodo industriale per la produzione di viscosa usando come solvente il solfuro di carbonio fu brevettato nel 1902 in Gran Bretagna dai chimici Charles Cross, Edward Bevan e Clayton Beadle, i quali cedettero il brevetto a Samuel Courtauld, che avviò la produzione industriale di viscosa nel 1906. Chiamata dapprima seta artificiale e dal 1924 rayon, la viscosa fu creata per rispondere alla richiesta di tessuti simili alla seta ma più economici.

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